Foto de Jorge Matas Estados Unidos

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Jorge Matas is a self-made artist and professional in the field of visual communication, who lives in Florida. Born in Spain in 1953 and raised in Venezuela, Matas found his vocation early in life, while assisting his father at the family’s graphic design business in Caracas. Matas began his own design firm in 1970, working independently as a successful graphic...

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Foto de Jorge Matas Estados Unidos

Jorge Matas is a self-made artist and professional in the field of visual communication, who lives in Florida. Born in Spain in 1953 and raised in Venezuela, Matas found his vocation early in life, while assisting his father at the family’s graphic design business in Caracas. Matas began his own design firm in 1970, working independently as a successful graphic designer/commercial artist with a substantial clientele of local and international corporations that trust him with their marketing and advertising design needs. As a very well-rounded professional, Matas develops corporate image, brand image and packaging projects for his clients, who often assign him special creative projects -including murals, sculptures and trophies. His strong drive to experiment with materials and tools, colors and textures, forms and perspectives is what best defines Jorge Matas. This drive, which he first identified and followed at the age of nine during the course of the apprenticeship of sorts that began in his father’s studio, has remained a constant throughout the artist’s life. The most recent result of this lifetime search, seldom shared with the public, is “a mature language of absolute aestheticism”, “a model of abstract beauty in which the spectator becomes subject to the sheer enjoyment of harmonies of shape and color”.

STATEMENT: “Experimenting with colors and geometric shapes triggers my productive energy, opening multiple doors to an endless creative flow”.


March 1979

Caracas, Venezuela

August 1979

Caraballeda, Venezuela

August 1982

Caracas, Venezuela

June 1984

Coro, Venezuela

September, 1984

Caracas, Venezuela

March 1987

Caracas, Venezuela

August 1987

Valencia, Venezuela

December, 1994

Summit of the Americas, Miami, Fl.

December 9, 2006

ART BASEL MIAMI, Wynwood Art District

December 10, 2006

Weston, Fl.

January 13, 2007


Wynwood Art District, Miami, Fl.

January 19, 2007

Hollywood, Fl.

February 10, 2007

Wynwood Art District, Miami, Fl.

March 10, 2007

Weston Hills Country Club, Weston, Fl.

March 10, 2007

Wynwood Art District, Miami, Fl.

March 19, 2007

Weston Hills Country Club, Weston, Fl.

March 20, 2007

North Miami Beach, Fl.

April 3, 2007

Miami, Fl.

April 14, 2007

Wynwood Art District, Miami, Fl.

April 19, 2007

Ft. Lauderdale, Fl.

May 12, 2007

Wynwood Art District, Miami, Fl.

May 16, 2007

International Business Council of Florida

Weston, Fl.

Sept/Oct, 2007

Weston Branch Library, Weston, Fl.

Oct 13, 2007

Wynwood Art District, Miami, Fl.

Nov 10, 2007

Wynwood Art District, Miami, Fl.

Dec 8, 2007

Wynwood Art District, Miami, Fl.

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